CSHPS Annual Meeting

The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS) is holding its annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, May 30 – June 1 2025, 2025 at George Brown College (GBC), St. James and Waterfront campuses, in Toronto, Ontario. The meeting will be in person with some hybrid/online elements.

We will also be organizing a session to celebrate the work of Kathleen Okruhlik (1951-2024). 

Call for Abstracts

CSHPS-SCHPS Annual Conference
George Brown College, Toronto, May 30-June 1 2025

Proposals due January 13, 2025

Call for Abstracts in pdf and Word format.

Pierre-Olivier Méthot

Pierre-Olivier Méthot

Canada Research Chair in Medical Humanities and History of Biological Thinking, Université Laval

This year’s Drake Lecture will be given by Pierre-Olivier Méthot  (Laval).



The Program Committee invites scholars working on the history and philosophy of science (broadly construed) to submit abstracts for individual papers or proposals for sessions (typically 3 papers). Program slots for individual papers are 30 minutes in length (20 minutes to present with 10 minutes for questions) while program slots for sessions are 90 minutes in length (including time for questions). All topics in the philosophy and history of science and science and technology studies more generally are welcome. Additionally, we encourage proposals that engage diverse perspectives, especially the voices, perspectives, and scientific projects of those who, historically, have been overlooked in our disciplines.

  • Meeting languages: CSHPS is a bilingual society. Individual papers may be given in English or French, but efforts to broaden participation are appreciated (e.g. a presentation in English could be accompanied by a PowerPoint in French, and vice versa). Similarly, sessions can be presented in either English or French, but bilingual sessions are especially welcomed.
  • Joint sessions:The CSHPS meeting overlaps with the meeting dates of a number of other member societies of the CFHSS. We welcome proposals for joint sessions with these and other societies (please mention this specifically in your session proposal). However, no talk will be separately accepted for presentation at more than one society.
  • Hybrid presentations: Presentations may be in person or hybrid. While we understand that attending in person will not be possible for all participants, we may not be able to accommodate all requests for hybrid sessions due to the technical and personnel requirements of good hybrid meetings. In hybrid sessions, to enable fruitful discussions, at least 2 (out of 3) speakers need to present their papers in-person. All session chairs should be present in Toronto. The schedule of all presentations, including hybrid ones, will be adapted to the meeting location in Toronto.
  • Number of submissions: Individuals can only submit one abstract for the CSHPS meeting (i.e. either an abstract for an individual paper or an abstract as part of a session proposal).
  • Submissions via Google Forms:
    • In order to preserve the anonymity of authors, it is important that contact information and other identifying information be excluded from the entry containing the abstract
    • Individual paper submissions should include:
      • a title
      • a brief abstract (150-250 words)
      • the corresponding author’s name and contact information
      • the name and contact information of any other author(s)
      • A list of keywords.
    • Session proposals should include:
      • The session’s title
      • As a single entry: titles and brief abstracts (100-150 words) for each paper
      • The session organizer’s name and contact information
      • The name and contact information of the other presenters.
      • A list of keywords
    • Authors will be expected to paste the abstracts into the Google form. If symbols are required that are not supported by this platform, please send an anonymized, pdf version of the abstract to program.cshps@gmail.com, from the email address of the corresponding author.
    • Deadline: January 13, 2025
    • Submission Portal: https://forms.gle/BkeZf13NVNgSszfa9
  • All presenters must be members of CSHPS at the time of the meeting. For more information about CSHPS membership, consult https://cshps.ca/membership/.
  • Student Prize: CSHPS offers the Richard Hadden Award, a book prize for the best student paper presented at the meeting. This is now associated with the Graduate Merit Award (value, $500), which is sponsored by the CFHSS. To be considered for these awards, students should submit a copy of their paper by e-mail to program.cshps@gmail.com by March 15, 2025. Details of this prize and instruction on manuscript preparation can be found at https://cshps.ca/richard-hadden-award/.
  • Bursaries: : For the 2025 meeting, CSHPS is offering bursaries of up to $150 to graduate students and independent scholars to help defray the costs of registration fees and travel, on condition that they apply for Early Bird registration for Congress prior to March 31 (to get the discounted rate). Up to 30 awards will be offered and will be available upon request on a first come first served basis. Applications may be submitted to the CSHPS Treasurer either before or after the 2025 meeting. Receipts for registration and travel expenses are required, but may be provided after the 2025 meeting. Applications and receipts must be received by July 1, 2025.
  • Registration: Information about Congress registration will be available at the CFHSS congress website: https://www.federationhss.ca/en/congress2025.

For more information: program.cshps@gmail.com

Program Committee (2023-2024): (2024-2025): Delia Gavrus (Winnipeg), Mélanie Frappier (King’s) (Co-chair), Molly Kao (Université de Montréal), Letitia Meynell (Dalhousie) (Co-chair)

Local Arrangements: TBA

Richard Hadden Award

The Richard Hadden Award for best student paper at the CSHPS Annual Meeting.

Travel Grants

  • For the 2025 meeting, CSHPS is offering bursaries of up to $150 to graduate students and independent scholars to help defray the costs of registration fees and travel, on condition that they apply for Early Bird registration for Congress prior to March 31 (to get the discounted rate). Up to 30 awards will be offered and will be available upon request on a first come first served basis. Applications may be submitted to the CSHPS Treasurer either before or after the 2025 meeting. Receipts for registration and travel expenses are required, but may be provided after the 2025 meeting. Applications and receipts must be received by July 1, 2025.

We encourage donations to the student travel fund. You can donate any amount ($10, $20, or even $100) secure in the knowledge that all proceeds will help students come to the congress to present their work.

Past Meetings of the Society:

June 19-21, 2024

Université du Québec à Montréal Program & Abstracts

May-27-29, 2023

York University, Programs and Abstract

May 16-19, 2022

On-line. Program and Abstracts

May 29-June 2, 2021

University of Alberta (virtual meeting), Edmonton, Alberta, Program or Program and Abstracts

May 30-June 1, 2020

University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, canceled see the program and the abstracts in Communiqué 101.

June 1-3, 2019

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Program or Program and Abstracts

May 26-28, 2018

University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Program and Abstracts.

May 27-29, 2017

Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Programme & Abstracts.

May 28-30, 2016

University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, see Communiqué No 93 Spring/Printemps 2016 for the Programme and Abstracts

May 30-June 1, 2015

University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, see Communiqué No 90, Spring/Printemps 2015 for the Programme and Abstracts.

May 24-26, 2014

Brock University, St. Catharines, Program

June 2-4, 2013

Victoria, B.C., Program & Abstracts & Minutes

May 27-29, 2012

Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo, Program & Abstracts

May 28-31, 2011

University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Program & Abstracts

May 28-31, 2010

Concordia University, Montreal, Program & Abstracts

May 26-28, 2009

Carleton University, Ottawa, Program & Abstracts

June 3-5, 2008

University of British Columbia, Program & Abstracts

May 28-30, 2007

University of Saskatchewan, Program & Abstracts

May 29-31, 2006

York University, Toronto, Program & Abstracts

May 29-31, 2005

University of Western Ontario, Program & Abstracts

August 5-7, 2004

Joint Meeting of CSHPS, BSHS, & HSS in Nova Scotia, Program

For membership inquiries, contact:


Dr. Paul Bartha
CSHPS Secretary-Treasurer


Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
1866 Main Mall, E-370
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1


(604) 822-2621