Welcome to

The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science



Canadian forum bringing together historians, philosophers, sociologists and a wide range of interdisciplinary scholars


Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the history and philosophy of the sciences


Registration for the History of Science Society annual meeting is now open

Annual Conference

CSHPS Annual Meeting / SCHPS congrès annuel


Volunteer academic service position inquiries and applications


The newsletter of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science


Links to Programs, Seminars, Societies & Federations, Journals, Newsletters, Bulletins and other resources

Who We Are:

CSHPS/SCHPS is a Canadian forum bringing together historians, philosophers, sociologists, and a wide range of interdisciplinary scholars interested in exploring all aspects of science, past and present. Its newsletter is the Communiqué and its annual conference takes place within the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities.


CSHPM call for papers for 2025 AGM

CSHPM is currently welcoming proposals for talks to be given at its 2025 annual meeting at George Brown College in Toronto, May 31-June 2. Please email a title and abstract (maximum 200 words) by 1 February 2025: General Session - Amy Ackerberg-Hastings,...

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For membership inquiries, contact:


Dr. Paul Bartha
CSHPS Secretary-Treasurer


Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
1866 Main Mall, E-370
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1


(604) 822-2621

Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science

©2000-2024 CSHPS/SCHPS
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