Communiqué Index
Communiqué is the newsletter of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS). The newsletter is published three times a year and provides CSHPS members with information about the activities of the Society and its members. Contributions are solicited from all members. Find on this page all the issues available on this website in order from newest to oldest.

No. 106 Autumn/Automne 2023
HPS in Canada
This semester is the first since the outbreak of the
COVID-19 pandemic that my institution is not
requiring masks.

No. 105 Autumn/Automne 2022
Meditations on Media
Media. It is mass and social; it has circuses and darlings, hype, events, and junkies. The term rose to ubiquity in the post-war era its contours have proven malleable and capacious.

No. 104 Autumn/Automne 2021
Environment Never Sleeps
Overshadowed by the ongoing pandemic, HPS scholars continue to create important, innovative work relating to the environment, land, and nature; we aim to showcase them.

No. 103 Spring/Printemps 2021
Beyond the Wall
As global vaccine distribution continues, issues of trust, expertise, and inequity has us thinking about how to [proceed in the next pandemic stage.

No. 102 Autumn/Automne 2020
This “New Normal”
We might have adapted to lockdowns, mask wearing, and zooming, but this way of life cannot be sustainable.

No. 101 Summer/Été 2020
Cancel Everything
Releasing official university statements on systemic racism and racial violence in society with Black and Indigenous peoples isn’t enough. We need to actively fight for justice.

No. 100 Autumn/Automne 2019
What dies the future of HPS look like?
Working on the 100th issue of the Communique made me wonder where we’ve come from and where we are going.

No 99 Winter/Hiver 2019
Happy New Year!
By the time you’re reading this, it’s become obvious that Communiqué has undergone a major re-design. With the decision a few years ago to move the newsletter to a completely digital platform, coupled by the use of an open-access publishing software, we were no longer restricted to publishing costs.

No 98 Summer/Été 2018
President’s Report
It is a pleasure to report that this year’s CSHPS conference was a very successful and enjoyable event. Regina and the University of Regina were characteristically hospitable, the weather was great and so was the conference program, thanks in large part to the excellent work of our program committee, François Claveau (chair), Jennifer Hubbard and Vivien Hamilton.

No 97 Winter/Hiver 2018
En route to Congress 2018!
It is a pleasure to report that the CSHPS 2018 Program Committee, chaired by François Claveau, and our Local Arrangements coordinator, Yvonne Petry, have already done important groundwork on the Regina meeting, which promises to be excellent, memorable and fun.

No 96 Summer/Été 2017
President’s Report Autumn 2017
This year’s CSHPS conference was one of the most engaging and may have been the largest ever held. Our hosts at Ryerson University and the Congress of the
Social Sciences and Humanities did a great job, but the real work for CSHPS was done closer to home, by our own Program Committee, Delia Gavrus (Chair), Robert Brain and François Claveau, and our Local Arrangements Coordinator, Jennifer Hubbard.

No 95 Winter/Hiver 2017
President’s Report Winter 2017
How quickly this new year is upon us. A few months ago we were reflecting on the successes of last year’s annual meeting and now the Program Committee and Local Arrangements Coordinator are very much in the midst of preparing for this year’s meeting. I strongly encourage all of you to consider presenting papers, organizing sessions, and simply
attending the 2017 meeting.

No 94 Summer/Été 2016
3 Societies Meeting University of Alberta
The eighth joint meeting of the British Society for the History of Science, the History of Science Society and the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science was a great success. The meeting took place from June 22 to 25, 2016 and was hosted by the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta.

No 93 Spring/Printemps 2016
Congress / Congrès 2016
Energizing communities / L’énergie des communautés

No 92 Winter/Hiver 2016
Obituary: John Farley Canadian historian of science April 23, 1936-November 10, 2015
Born in Leicester, UK, in 1936, John Farley joined Dalhousie University’s Biology Department as an Assistant Professor in 1964. Although trained as a parasitologist,
and a teacher of invertebrate biology, John took a sabbatical leave at Harvard University in 1970-71 where he began his transformation into a leading historian of science.

No 91 Summer/Été 2015
Lost in Redaction ? Ou de quelques conseils à l’usage des doctorant.e.s
Entretien avec Sarah Arnaud, doctorante en philosophie, en cotutelle à l’UQAM (Montréal) et à l’Université Paris Sorbonne (France).

No 90 Spring/Printemps 2015
Capital Ideas / Le capital des idées

No 89 Winter/Hiver 2015
CSHPS President’s Report Lesley Cormack, December 2014
How can the semester have flown past? We always start September sure that we will accomplish a long list of projects, and then get to December with many of them yet to be completed (or maybe that’s just me!).

No 88 Summer/Été 2014
“Brownian Motion 1”, Sylvia Nickerson, 2012. This is one of a series of paintings inspired by Albert Einstein’s miracle year of 1905. In this image, a graph exhibiting Brownian motion is superimposed on a laurel leaves pattern inspired by the textiles of late 19th century artist William Morris. Sylvia Nickerson completed her PhD in the history of science at the University of Toronto in 2014. She has also worked as a freelance illustrator for magazines and newspapers in Canada and the United States since 2005.

No 87 Spring/Printemps 2014
Congress Falls on May 24-26
In St. Catherines/Niagara

No 86 Winter/L’hiver 2014
The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS) is holding its annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS) at Brock University, May 24-26, 2014.

No 85 Summer/Été 2013
CSHPS fonds: United and Housed by Adam Taves
Research & Instruction Librarian, York University
With documents dating back to the 1950s, the CSHPSSCHPS fonds has been crying out for a permanent home for several decades.

No 84 Spring/Printemps 2013
All Eyes on Victoria
Congress June 1-4, 2013

No 83 Autumn/Automne 2012
The Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS) is holding its annual conference as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS) at the University of Victoria, June 2-4, 2013.

No 82 Summer/Été 2012
On Caring in a Technoscientific World by Lisa M Cockburn, PhD student, York University
On a sunny weekend last April, about 40 participants from a wide diversity of backgrounds gathered together for the Politics of Care in Technoscience Workshop at York University. The workshop took as a point of departure Maria Puig de la Bellacasa’s 2010 article “Matters of Care in Technoscience: Assembling Neglected Things,” which argues for a movement from…

No 81 Spring/Printemps 2012
Meet Your Waterloo!
This Spring Issue is dedicated, as always, to the CSHPS annual meeting. This year we meet May 28, 29 & 30 in Waterloo Ontario. Keep reading for the Program, Abstracts, Maps and more. For the intrepid, the meeting includes a tour of The Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

No 80 Autumn/Automne 2011
The Organism Issue
The saga of Simmons draba: how one plant specimen crossed the Atlantic and back again in search of a name by Paul C. Sokoloff and Lynn J. Gillespie Simmons draba (or as a botanist might write: Draba simmonsii Elven & Al-Shebaz) is a diminutive member of the Mustard family – the Brassicaceae –native to the Canadian Arctic.

No 79 Summer/Été 2011
Situating “Situating Science”
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada’s Strategic Knowledge Cluster, Situating Science: Cluster for the Humanist and Social Study of Science (, is pleased to announce new partnerships and new initiatives for Fall, 2011.

No 78 Spring/Printemps 2011
New Brunswick Rocks!
While you’re in New Brunswick for Congress 2011, visit the Hopewell Rocks at the Bay of Fundy. The CSHPS/SCHPS Annual Meeting is in Fredericton May 29 – 31, 2011. Check out the complete program inside this issue. Durant votre séjour au Nouveau-Brunswick, visitez le parc de Hopewell Rocks dans la Baie de Fundy. Le congrès annuel de la CSHPS/SCHPS se déroulera à Frédéricton du 29 au 31 mai 2011. Consultez le programme complet dans ce numéro.

No 77 Autumn/Automne 2010
The Artefact Issue
Beginner’s Mind: Rediscovering a National Museum Icon By Garth Wilson, CSTM
Editors’ note: As this issue was going to print, we were deeply saddened to learn of Garth’s recent passing. An obituary will appear in the next issue of Communique.

No 76 Summer/Été 2010
Objectivity in Science: What is it? Why does it matter? by Dani Hallet, MA Student, UBC
As recent controversies such as Climategate or the FDA panel of experts’ advice to withdraw approval of Avastin for breast cancer make clear, people care about the objectivity of science. The topic of scientific objectivity has occupied STS scholars for a very long time.

No 75 Spring/Printemps2010
Welcome to Concordia and Montreal!
Bienvenue à Concordia et Montréal!

No 74 Autumn/Automne 2009
Reflections of a Technoscience Recruit: A Year-in-Review for The Technoscience Salon
by Sarah Tracy, University of Toronto
It is my third week as resident of the city of Toronto, a mecca of intellectual exchange and social relevance for a budding intellectual raised on Maritime transparency and marginality.

No 73 Summer/Été 2009
Darwin Rocks! Reflections on the “Darwin Circuit” by Bernard Lightman
The year 2009 marks the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species. Universities around the world have organized lecture series and conferences. Impressive public exhibitions have been put on by the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge and the Yale Center for British Art.

No 72 Spring/Printemps 2009
Welcome to Carleton and Ottawa!
CSHPS-SCHPS delegates! We hope you will enjoy both your stay in the capital and our program, which features Alison Wylie from the University of Washington n presenting this year’s Stillman Drake Lecture: “The Future of Archaeology: Collaborative Practice in Action.”

No 71 Autumn/Automne 2008
CSHPS-SCHPS is holding its annual conference
as part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS) at Carleton University, Ottawa, 26–28 May, 2009. The Congress theme is “Capital Connections: nation, terroir, territoire,” which invites an exploration of whether and how globalization…

No 70 Summer/Été 2008
Robert Hooke Finally Gets His Due by Stephen D. Snoblen
“Posterity has not been kind to Robert Hooke”. So begins Mordechai Feingold in his contribution to Robert Hooke: tercentennial studies (2006). Although celebrated in the history
of science for the wonderful engravings of the very small in…

No 69 Spring/Printemps 2008
Welcome to UBC and Vancouver!
We welcome all delegates of the CSHPS-SCHPS 2008 annual meeting to UBC and to Vancouver, Canada’s most beautiful
and livable city. Our meetings will take place in the Macleod Building, which is on the south, or science, side of campus.
Submissions to Communiqué should be made to:
Dani Inkpen
Department: Humanities
Cape Breton University
Ghyslain Bolduc
Collège Édouard-Montpetit
For membership inquiries, contact:
Dr. Paul Bartha
CSHPS Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
1866 Main Mall, E-370
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
(604) 822-2621

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