Richard Hadden Award
The two Richard Hadden Awards are given to the best two student papers presented at the CSHPS Annual Meeting. The Award was created in 2002 by the Society in memory of CSHPS member Richard Hadden. Hadden was a sociologist of science at St. Mary’s University who wrote an excellent book, On the Shoulders of Merchants, about the material causes of the scientific revolution. After his unfortunate demise, his family made a donation to CSHPS to start a scholarship in his name. CSHPS hopes to link the Graduate Student Merit award to the Hadden Prize in 2024.
Recent Winners
2023: “Operationalization of Scientific Realism/Anti-realism Accounts for Semi-
Structured Interviews” Angella Yamamoto, University of Waterloo.
“What are False Models Good For? Lessons From a Case Study in Economics” Ahmed Aljuhany, University of Calgary.
2022: “Varying Evidential Standards as a Matter of Justice: the Context of Climate Change” Ahmad Elabbar, Cambridge University.
2021: “Pour l’amélioration de la race humaine: The Reception of Eugenics in the French-Canadian Press, 1912-1921” Vincent Auffrey, University of Toronto.
Honourable mentions: “From Static to Dynamic: A Historical Account of the Emergence of the Dynamic View of Proteins” Jacob Neal, University of Pittsburgh and “How to Put the Cart behind the Horse in the Cultural Evolution of Gender” Daniel Saunders, University of British Columbia.
2020: “The “discovery” of binary numeration: Leibniz, Caramuel and the New World” Maria Amuchastegui, York University.
2019: “The Roots of the Silver Tree : Boyle, Alchemy, and Teleology” Jennifer Whyte, University of Pittsburgh
2018: “What Could Scientific Pluralism Be?” Cristian Larroulet Philippi, University of Colorado Boulder
2017: “Friedrich Max Müller’s Objection to Darwin on Language: Beyond Science Versus Religion” Kristine Palmieri, University of Chicago
2016: “Color Struck: Dermatology and Melanin Sciences as Liberationist Tools” by Cecilia Cárdenas-Navia, Yale University
2015: “Lost in the Multiverse: Self-locating uncertainty, typicality, and observation bias” by Yann Benétreau-Dupin, University of Western Ontario
2014: “Space/Time/Vacuum: Ontological dialogues within Paul Dirac’s international correspondence network” by Aaron Wright, University of Toronto
2013: “The Problem of Unbeneficial Features in Aristotle’s Parts of Animals” by Bryan Reece, University of Toronto
2012: “The Trinity and the Cube: Nescience in the Epistemology of John Wallis” by Adam Richter, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto
and “Illuminating Turn of the Century Physics at the University of Toronto: The Case of the Crookes Tube” by Melissa Charenko, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto
- Only papers written or co-written exclusively by students are eligible for this prize.
- A student is defined as any individual currently enrolled at a university at the time of the meeting. This includes undergraduate and graduate students in any program of study.
- Students whose papers have been accepted by the program committee will have two weeks after notification to inform the program chair that they wish to be considered for the Hadden Award.
- A student wishing to be considered for the Award must submit a written version of the presentation (maximum 3,500 words excluding bibliography and notes, digital format) to the Program Chair by the date indicated in the acceptance email (usually around five weeks before the meeting takes place).
- The Award shall be judged on the quality of the written version of the paper; however the winning paper must be delivered at the annual meeting.
- The Program Committee shall alert presenters to the existence of this award when notifying presenters that their papers have been accepted.
- The Program Committee shall alert prospective presenters to the existence of this award by including a notice in the Call for Papers and on the CSHPS website. The Program Committee should endeavour to distribute this notice to all history and philosophy of science departments in Canada and other appropriate forums such as mailing lists and websites in the field.
Award Committee
- The Program Chair shall serve as Chair of the ad hoc Award Committee and shall (prior to September 1st) select between two and four other members of the Society who will also serve on the Award Committee.
- The Award Committee may (but need not) be co-extensive with the Program Committee.
- Students may not be members of the Award Committee.
- The Award Committee Chair shall distribute written submissions to other Committee members for adjudication, normally five weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
- The Committee shall complete its deliberations prior to the Annual Meeting so that arrangements can be made for a presentation ceremony at the AGM.
- The announcement of the winner of the prize shall normally be made during the AGM.
- The book prize shall be selected and purchased by the Program Chair. The Program Chair shall submit the receipt to the Secretary-Treasurer for reimbursement.
- The cost of the book shall be no more than $100. This amount should be reviewed annually by the Program Chair. If the Program Chair deems that a change in this amount is appropriate, he/she shall submit a recommendation to the President of the Society who will in turn submit the recommendation to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may change the amount of the prize as deemed appropriate.
- The winning student shall also receive one free annual membership in CSHPS.
- Up to two honorable mention awards may be presented at the discretion of the Award Committee. The honorable mention award shall consist of a free annual membership in CSHPS.
- Clarity of paper
- Quality and originality of research
For membership inquiries, contact:
Dr. Paul Bartha
CSHPS Secretary-Treasurer
Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
1866 Main Mall, E-370
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
(604) 822-2621
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