
Communiqué is the newsletter of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS). The newsletter is published three times a year and provides CSHPS members with information about the activities of the Society and its members. Contributions are solicited from all members. For an index of all Communiqué issues available on line see the here.

No. 105 Autumn/Automne 2022

No. 105 Autumn/Automne 2022

Meditations on Media
Media. It is mass and social; it has circuses and darlings, hype, events, and junkies. The term rose to ubiquity in the post-war era its contours have proven malleable and capacious.

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Twitter feed is not available at the moment.
No. 104 Autumn/Automne 2021

No. 104 Autumn/Automne 2021

Environment Never Sleeps
Overshadowed by the ongoing pandemic, HPS scholars continue to create important, innovative work relating to the environment, land, and nature; we aim to showcase them.

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No. 103 Spring/Printemps 2021

No. 103 Spring/Printemps 2021

Beyond the Wall
As global vaccine distribution continues, issues of trust, expertise, and inequity has us thinking about how to [proceed in the next pandemic stage.

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Submissions to Communiqué should be made to:
Dani Inkpen
Department of History
Mount Alison University
Kevin Kaiser
Université de Montréal

For membership inquiries, contact:


Dr. Paul Bartha
CSHPS Secretary-Treasurer


Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
1866 Main Mall, E-370
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1


(604) 822-2621

Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science

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