
Communiqué is the newsletter of the Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (CSHPS). The newsletter is published three times a year and provides CSHPS members with information about the activities of the Society and its members. Contributions are solicited from all members. For an index of all Communiqué issues available on line see the here.

No 96 Summer/Été 2017

No 96 Summer/Été 2017

President’s Report Autumn 2017
This year’s CSHPS conference was one of the most engaging and may have been the largest ever held. Our hosts at Ryerson University and the Congress of the
Social Sciences and Humanities did a great job, but the real work for CSHPS was done closer to home, by our own Program Committee, Delia Gavrus (Chair), Robert Brain and François Claveau, and our Local Arrangements Coordinator, Jennifer Hubbard.

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No 95 Winter/Hiver 2017

No 95 Winter/Hiver 2017

President’s Report Winter 2017
How quickly this new year is upon us. A few months ago we were reflecting on the successes of last year’s annual meeting and now the Program Committee and Local Arrangements Coordinator are very much in the midst of preparing for this year’s meeting. I strongly encourage all of you to consider presenting papers, organizing sessions, and simply
attending the 2017 meeting.

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Twitter feed is not available at the moment.
No 89 Winter/Hiver 2015

No 89 Winter/Hiver 2015

CSHPS President’s Report Lesley Cormack, December 2014
How can the semester have flown past? We always start September sure that we will accomplish a long list of projects, and then get to December with many of them yet to be completed (or maybe that’s just me!).

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No 88 Summer/Été 2014

No 88 Summer/Été 2014

“Brownian Motion 1”, Sylvia Nickerson, 2012. This is one of a series of paintings inspired by Albert Einstein’s miracle year of 1905. In this image, a graph exhibiting Brownian motion is superimposed on a laurel leaves pattern inspired by the textiles of late 19th century artist William Morris. Sylvia Nickerson completed her PhD in the history of science at the University of Toronto in 2014. She has also worked as a freelance illustrator for magazines and newspapers in Canada and the United States since 2005.

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Submissions to Communiqué should be made to:
Dani Inkpen
Department of History
Mount Alison University
Kevin Kaiser
Université de Montréal

For membership inquiries, contact:


Dr. Paul Bartha
CSHPS Secretary-Treasurer


Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia
1866 Main Mall, E-370
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1


(604) 822-2621

Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science

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